2021 World Hansik Festival Chicago will be held in H Mart Niles, the northern Chicago suburb area. The Korean ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs and Korean Food Promotion Institute have been sponsored the worldwide festival successfully since 2016 to promote the Korean food, 'Hansik' .
This year the Korean Food Globalization Committee of Chicago has been selected and supported by the Korean government to celebrate the uprising popularity and promote the consumption of the Korean food in diverse Chicago community. The festival will feature a Korean Traditional performing arts such as Samul-nori and Lion Mask dance, 500 serving size super giant Bibimbap performance, K-pop and B-Boy competition, Taekwondo performance, Korean Traditional wedding event, Kimchi & Bulgogi cooking classes and Korean Traditional wine tasting. Also, a variety of free food tastings from various Korean Food vendors will be welcoming the visitors. The food and traditional wine tastings will represent cuisines from Korean restaurants and vendors in Chicago and suburbs. All Korean restaurants in Chicago area will be listed in the festival program book and online website, kfoodchicago.com. All foods offered at the food and traditional wine tastings at the 2021 World Hansik Festival Chicago will be available for purchase at the site and H Mart. H Mart’s food court will also be open.
2021 World Hansik festival Chicago will begin on Friday, August 6 for gala night from 3 pm to 9 pm. The opening ceremony and festival will be on Saturday August 7 at 11 am to 9 pm and will be ended on Sunday, August 8 at 4:00 p.m. The festival will be held at H Mart Parking lot, 801 Civic center Dr. Niles IL 60714. The admission is free. For more information about 2021 World Hansik Festival Chicago, visit chicagoklife.com and kfoodchicago.com or call 224-243-3737.